The other day on the way home from preschool, Ryland says, "Hey mom, how about you take a day off and we go to the beach?" A day off from what, I am not sure, but I sure like his thinking about the beach!
"Nah, nah, nah, nah," etc. Selah, mid-August, 2009
"I'm five...the whole hand." Ryland, August 12, 2009
Today, in the car while driving to a party (Selah was NOT with us): "Mom, maybe one day when I am ten and Selah is seven, I can hold her hand so that she is not scared when we go into the ocean." Ryland, July 2, 2009
Overheard while in the bath: "What up, fool?" Ryland June 18, 2009
"Father's Day is just like Mother's Day, only it is just for Dads!" Ryland, June 16, 2009
His bedtime prayer: "Dear Jesus, ....and we just thank you for Barack Obama, and that he's our president, and that we like him..." (No - I am not joking!) Ryland, May 15, 2009
"No, Dad, it's not girly, it's boyly!" Ryland, age 4
can i come too?